Please note that the platform we currently use to teach French (Primary Languages Network) is currently being updated with new and improved units of study. Please note that the current long term plan and subject overview will be revised once this update is complete.
At Woodlands Primary School, there is a belief that the acquisition of a language is part of a broader curriculum involving language and culture. We believe that the skills, knowledge and understanding gained through our French curriculum play a major contribution to the development of children’s oracy and literacy and to their understanding of their own culture/s and those of others. Therefore, we strive to provide opportunities to experience a range of other cultures, including the importance of respect and understanding, which are crucial in today’s world.
We have implemented a quality Language curriculum that aims to challenge and inspire, as well as enable children to become competent and confident linguists. All pupils, including year 6, those with SEND and vulnerable children, are taught the French curriculum and as they progress through the school, they build on their knowledge and prior learning through a carefully planned and sequenced curriculum becoming proficient in speaking, reading, listening and writing. Importantly these end points have been broken down into small manageable chunks. Opportunities are given for children to express their ideas and thoughts in French and to understand and respond to its speakers, both in speech and in writing. They are encouraged to speak in sentences using familiar phrases and basic language structures. We incorporate songs, rhymes, poems and stories in the chosen language to enhance understanding. By developing a rich curriculum, it provides the pupils the opportunity to develop a love of learning languages and recognise their benefit in our multicultural society.
At Woodlands Primary School, we feel that the earlier a child is exposed to a foreign language, the faster the language in question is acquired. We believe that the early acquisition of French will prepare children when learning other foreign languages in Key Stage 3 and in later life.
The teaching and implementation of the language curriculum at Woodlands Primary School is based on the National Curriculum. We teach French as our chosen foreign language, as we believe this to be our language of strength within our school and it is an identified language in all neighbouring secondary schools. It is taught throughout Key Stage 2 every half term and is designed to progressively develop skills in French.
We have recently introduced a new scheme of work called Primary Languages Network, which is used by all staff as the primary scheme of work. This scheme meets all aspects of the current curriculum and is coherently planned and sequenced so that key knowledge and skills are revisited, built on and developed throughout and across year groups. This curriculum will give all learners the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. Teachers can adapt the plans to suit the varying needs of children, for instance, Special Educational Needs, whilst ensuring all children are accessing the full curriculum.
This scheme of work also ensures the phonics of the language being studied is a focus; supporting children on how to pronounce sounds and how these are represented in writing. The curriculum has been implemented so that it is appropriately balanced and provides equal opportunity in spoken and written French.
A variety of language teaching methods are used to match groups and individuals with different learning styles, these include games, role-play, use of a range of media and songs. Resources and materials are all conducive to positive learning. An appreciation of varying cultures is encouraged, leading to children recognising the part they play in becoming global citizens.
As a result of delivering an innovative language curriculum, all children will develop the key skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing allowing them to be confident linguists ready for transition to Key Stage 3. The children will build upon these skills year after year and apply them to new topics they are taught. They will further demonstrate their language development through communicating to one another in French, articulate their opinions on a wide range of topics and write sentences through the application of their phonic knowledge of the language. Children at Woodlands will enrich their language learning by developing an understanding of how cultures differ both in our local community and beyond and be able to discuss these readily. The teaching of Languages is assessed through tasks derived from the Primary Languages Network curriculum and monitored through learning walks and the monitoring of children’s work.
Teachers also assess against the end points but also work with their year group partner to evaluate the unit of work. Next steps are identified and adaptations for future teaching are made, thus completing the assessment cycle. Subject Leaders then analyse these evaluations as part of their monitoring.