
At Woodlands Primary School, RSHE is at the core of what we do. Our rich and exciting curriculum enables our children to become independent, confident, healthy and responsible members of society, as well as developing the “whole child” intellectually, morally, socially and spiritually. 

Through our whole-school approach to RSHE, we will enable all our children, including those with SEND and vulnerable children, to understand and respect who they are, to empower them with a voice, and to equip them for life and learning. RSHE is taught across the school from F1 to Year 6. 

At Woodlands, we pride ourselves on being reflective practitioners and continuously evaluate our curriculum. As a result, we have redesigned our RSHE scheme of work. This was informed by the PSHE Association guidance and incorporates lessons from the award-winning programme – MyHappyMind, and the highly esteemed – Project Evolve. 

The long term plan for RSHE has been carefully curated to ensure that all of the requirements for the statutory Relationship and Health Education framework are delivered. Our curriculum is carefully sequenced to build on prior learning and experiences, in order to attain well-defined end points. It places a high priority on giving children the tools to keep themselves and others safe in modern-day society.

Our RSHE curriculum equips children with relevant and meaningful content, which is supported by a strong emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience, and nurturing mental and physical health. In an ever-changing society, we can provide our children with a strong understanding of the diverse world around them and support them in playing a positive role in contributing to the school and the wider community. 

We work in partnership with The Johnson Foundation, Wirral Credit Union and follow the Young Enterprise guidance to deliver a fantastic, bespoke programme focussed on money and economic wellbeing in Y2, 4 and 6. This helps prepare children to be responsible with money as they grow up.

Weaving through the heart of our RSHE teaching and assessment is a commitment to enhancing and promoting our core Woodlands values: Respect, Responsibility and Resilience. We provide children with the knowledge and skills they need so they are able to flourish and be the very best they can be. 


Our RSHE curriculum is shaped by our school vision, which aims to enable all children, regardless of their background, ability, or additional needs to flourish to become the very best version of themselves they can be.

We have used nationally recognised resources for RSHE: PSHE Association, MyHappyMind and Project Evolve to create a bespoke curriculum for our children. In addition to the planned element of our RSHE curriculum, we also explore anything topical, for example, if children need additional learning on staying safe, bullying, relationships and developing friendships. This is incorporated into our RSHE teaching as needs arise. 

Parents/carers are encouraged to sign up for the app for MyHappyMind to enable them to keep informed about what their children are learning, as well as giving them access to support for their own mental health. 

Teachers use practical resources, role-play and visits to support children’s learning. Resources are shared with parents and carers in line with the statutory RSHE guidance.

Teachers provide a safe and supportive learning environment where children develop the confidence to ask questions, challenge the information they are offered, draw on their own experiences, express their views and opinions, and put what they have learned into practice in their own lives.

Assessment underpins the RSHE teaching process with staff regularly checking children’s understanding, identifying misconceptions, and adapting their teaching to address children’s individual needs. Teachers use the end points to evaluate the success of teaching/learning in RSHE. 

RSHE learning is implemented and recorded in a variety of ways such as; written work, discussion, debate and role-play. Written or oral feedback is given depending on the topic and the child’s individual needs. 


All children, regardless of their starting points, will make good progress socially, emotionally and physically. Children will have knowledge, skills and understanding that will be secure and embedded so they can reach their full potential and have the best possible start to secondary school. 

All children will develop resilience and have a ready willingness and ability to try new things, push themselves and persevere. They will have a good understanding of how to stay safe, healthy and develop good relationships. They will be kind, respectful and honest and have an appreciation of what it means to be a positive member of a diverse, multicultural society. They will have a strong self-awareness, interlinked with compassion for others. They will develop a sense of responsibility and become confident in their abilities. 

We have a robust assessment system in place for RSHE. Teachers assess against the end points but also work with their year group partner to evaluate the unit of work. Next steps are identified and adaptations for future teaching are made, thus completing the assessment cycle. Subject Leaders then analyse these evaluations as part of their monitoring.